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What is the story of painting by numbers?

Painting by numbers first appeared in the mid-20th century, introduced by Max S. Klein, an engineer and owner of Palmer Paint Company, and artist Dan Robbins. Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s technique of using numbered outlines to train his students, they developed paint-by-numbers kits, making painting accessible to everyone. Despite initial skepticism from the art world, the concept quickly became a cultural phenomenon in the United States. Today, painting by numbers is enjoyed worldwide for its therapeutic benefits and ease of use, allowing anyone—regardless of skill level—to experience the joy of creating art.

Painting instructions

Tapybos pagal skaičius rinkinį sudaro dažai, teptukai ir drobė

Getting ready: Choose a comfortable and well-lit spot for painting. Protect your surface by covering it with newspaper or a cloth to prevent accidental spills. Fill a glass or cup with a little water to rinse your brushes, and keep a tissue or cloth nearby to dry them. Now you’re all set to enjoy a relaxing painting session!

tapybos pagal skaičius rinkinio sudėtis

Upack: Unpack your Paint by Numbers kit, which includes a numbered canvas, a set of paints with corresponding numbers, and a selection of brushes.

Instrukcijos, kokia spalva nuspalvinti sunumeruotą laukelį

Start the painting process: Choose a number to start with and paint each numbered area using the corresponding color. Use different brushes depending on the size of the section—a small brush for tiny details and a larger brush for bigger areas.

sunumertuoų laukelių užpildymas atitinkama spalva

Changing colours: Always wipe your brush when switching to a new color. Rinse it thoroughly in a cup of water and dry it with a napkin or cloth before applying the next color to keep your painting clean and precise.

Mergina ir šuniukas tapo paveikslą pagal skaičius

Enjoy this colourful therapy: Take your time—there’s no rush. While there are many tips and techniques for painting, the most important thing is to enjoy the process. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.

Tapybos pagal skaičius rinkinys - lapė pasipuošusi Kalėdinėmis lemputėmis

Let the colours dry: Once you have finished painting, allow the canvas to dry completely. This process may take several hours, so be patient to ensure the best results.

Mergina kabina ant sienos nutapytą paveikslą pagal skaičius

Finish: Two or three days after the painting is finished, it can be varnished and hung on the wall. How do you feel after painting this masterpiece? Did you enjoy the soothing experience of painting?

Few other tips

  • Begin with the largest areas or the darkest color. This approach helps you track your progress and reduces the risk of accidentally painting over small or already completed sections.
  • If you accidentally paint the wrong area, wait for the paint to dry before correcting it with the right color. This prevents smudging and ensures a clean final result.
  • Acrylic paint is already fluid, so there’s no need to dilute it with water. Only add a small amount of water if the paint has dried after a long break to restore its consistency.
  • Take regular breaks if needed to stay relaxed and fully enjoy the painting process. This helps maintain focus and keeps the experience enjoyable.
  • When you have finished painting, close the paint tightly to prevent it from drying out.

Most importantly, don’t limit yourself—embrace creativity and enjoy this wonderful pastime!

To make painting by numbers more engaging, we have also prepared a playlist. Click on the link below to listen to it:

Tapybos pagal skaičius rinkinys, kuris yra parodytas iš keturių nuotraukomis
Tapymo pagal skaičius instrukcijos
margina tapymas pagal skaicius